

If you need further information, please contact us at:
足彩外围网站 Legal Department
4350 Congress Street, Suite 600
电子邮件: GeneralCounsel@bifa0070.com
Telephone: +1-717-225-2066

Cautionary Language Regarding Forward Looking Information

The Site may contain statements, estimates or projections that constitute, “forward-looking statements” as defined under U.S. 联邦证券法. 一般, “相信”这几个字,”“希望,”“意愿,”“估计,”“预测,”“项目,” “will” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, which generally are not historical in nature. 前瞻性陈述受某些风险和不确定性影响,可能导致实际结果与足彩外围网站的历史经验及其当前预期或预测存在重大差异. 这些风险在足彩外围网站提交给美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)的文件中进行了讨论。, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K, which filings are available from the SEC. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. 足彩外围网站 undertakes no obligations to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements.

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Disclosure

加州《网上买足彩》要求在加州开展业务的制造商和零售商在其网站上披露他们在其供应链中采取的打击人口贩运的措施.  足彩外围网站无条件反对人口贩卖,认为所有工人都有自由选择工作的权利, humane treatment and a workplace free of harassment and unlawful discrimination.  因此, 足彩外围网站希望其供应商同样作为负责任的企业公民,并采取积极行动保护工人的权利,防止人口贩运.  To reinforce these beliefs, 足彩外围网站在其供应链方面采取了各种政策,以帮助足彩外围网站评估和审计其供应商,足彩外围网站期望供应商诚实, 足彩外围网站在审查供应商时所征求的问题和信息是坦率和透明的.  These policies assist 足彩外围网站 with the following key areas of its supply chain:

  • 意识-告知我们的供应商人口贩运问题的重要性,并告知他们足彩外围网站非常重视这一问题.
  • 审核-对足彩外围网站供应商进行现场审核,以确认其符合足彩外围网站的标准和要求.
  • 认证-要求足彩外围网站的供应商证明他们遵守所有适用的法律,包括, 但不限于, those regarding anti-bribery, 劳动, 就业和安全法.
  • Education – Educating relevant 足彩外围网站 employees, 通过提供网上买足彩供应链中的人口贩运和奴役以及与供应商社会责任相关的其他主题的培训,为顾问和管理层提供咨询.
  • 员工责任-维持严格的责任标准和程序,以确保足彩外围网站的员工和顾问遵守所有适用的法律和足彩外围网站网上买足彩人口贩运的政策.

足彩外围网站’s business principles will continue to evolve and adapt to a changing world, while remaining committed to our opposition to human trafficking.  We will update this Site as we adopt new processes and policies.

Child and Forced Labor Policy

Our Child and Forced Labor Policy

足彩外围网站网上买足彩童工和强迫劳动的原则声明是基于国际劳工组织(ILO)的公约和国家法律, and recognizes regional and cultural differences. 它重申了足彩外围网站继续在全球范围内承诺将就业限制在15岁或以上, or the local minimum employment age, or the mandatory school age, 取较高者. 我们的政策还包括明确禁止使用任何强迫劳动或剥削性的工作条件.

We communicate this policy to our direct suppliers, licensees and joint ventures, 作为我们业务关系的持续条件,我们明确规定了满足这些要求的合同义务. 我们相信,在足彩外围网站和我们的供应链中促进公平和适当的就业是一个
critical part of the commitments we make to our people and local communities.


尽管如此, 足彩外围网站认识到一个令人不安的事实,即童工和强迫劳动在世界许多地方仍然是严重的问题. 社会和经济条件可能加剧这一问题,而政府解决这一问题的能力可能有限, especially in less developed countries. Global supply chains for raw materials, including some agricultural products of relevance to our business, can be lengthy and quite complex, 减少我们的潜在影响,并为理解和有效解决可能存在的问题的挑战增加更多障碍.

Working to make a difference

Despite the difficult nature of the problem, 然而, 我们致力于在帮助社会消除剥削儿童和强迫劳动方面发挥积极作用. That is why we also are working cooperatively with others, 包括供应商, 行业组织, public interest groups and governments, to address abuses that may exist in 劳动 markets related to our global supply chains. We cannot solve this problem alone, but by working with others, we believe we can help make a difference.

足彩外围网站’s Statement of Principles on Child and Forced Labor

足彩外围网站坚信,它有责任参与符合最高法律和道德标准的雇佣实践. 在公司管理员工和供应商员工的最低年龄和工作条件的政策中,这种责任最为重要. 足彩外围网站制定了这份网上买足彩童工和强迫劳动的原则声明,以表达我们对全球供应商的承诺和期望. 除了, we strongly encourage our suppliers to require their own suppliers to adhere to these Principles as well. 足彩外围网站 will continuously seek to make these Principles as relevant and effective as possible. To that end, we may amend these Principles from time to time.

A. 足彩外围网站’s Own Operations

足彩外围网站不参与或容忍在工作场所非法雇用或剥削儿童或使用强迫劳动. In accordance with the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and national laws, 足彩外围网站 will restrict employment to those age 15 or older, or the local minimum employment age, or the mandatory schooling age, 取较高者. 此外, all temporary workers utilized by 足彩外围网站, and all third party-employed workers who perform work on 足彩外围网站 premises, shall meet these minimumage requirements. 足彩外围网站 also explicitly prohibits the use of forced 劳动, i.e., any work or service that a worker performs involuntarily, under threat of penalty.

B. 足彩外围网站的供应商

足彩外围网站不会容忍在其销售的产品制造过程中使用非法童工或强迫劳动,也不会接受供应商的产品或服务, 以任何方式雇佣或利用童工或强迫劳动的分包商或业务合作伙伴(统称为“供应商”). 足彩外围网站的供应商不得以任何方式雇用或利用任何低于国家法律或国际劳工组织第138号公约规定的最低就业年龄的个人, 取较高者. 劳工组织第138号公约规定,最低就业年龄不应低于个人受雇国的法定受教育年龄, 无论如何, not less than 15 years (except for certain developing countries, where a minimum age of 14 years is applicable), subject to permitted exceptions set by the ILO and national law.